Siach Abroad


Yeshivat Siach Yitzhak is pleased to announce the visit of Rav Dr. Eitan Abamovitch to NYC and Omaha in a few weeks. Rav Dr. Eitan will participate in the The Thirty-First Annual Symposium on Jewish Civilization, which will take place in Omaha on October 28-29 (see details here). He will also be teaching in NYC in two occasions: on October 30th, at 8:15 pm, he will be teaching at Yeshiva University. On October 31st, at 13:45 pm, he will be teaching at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah.


In novenber 207, Yeshivat Siach Yitzhak launched its first overseas speaking tour. Rav Ori Lifshitz, Dr. Eitan Abramovitch and Udi Dvorkin visited various locations in the east coast area. They visited OU-JLIC centres in college campuses (Brandeis, Princeton, Rutgers, Harvard, Boston and NYU), Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, shuls (Netivot Shalom in Teaneck, Sixth Street Community Synagogue in NY, Kesher Israel in Washington DC, Cedar Sinay and Beachwood Kehila in Cleveland) and one school – Fuchs Mizrachi in Cleveland.

The shiurim focused on chassidut, Rav Shagar’s thought, methodology of talmud study, and basic aspects of jewish life in modern and postmodern times. It was very exciting to meet so many people who are deeply interested in Yeshivat Siach and in Rav Shagar’s torah. We learned a lot and we are looking forward and planning our next visit. If you wish to have us speaking at your campus or School, or come for shabbat with your community, Yeshiva or Chavura, please contact us. Email [email protected]