
Avishar Har Shefi
Born in 1972, Avishar studied at Yeshivat Kiryat Shmonah, and was later among the first students at Siach Yitzhak. He helped to edit the Meshiv Ha-Ruach journal of Jewish Israeli poetry, and was among the founders of the ‘Uri’ women’s beit midrash, where he taught.
At Siach Yitzhak Avishar teaches Kabbalah, Hassidism and literature. He is also teaches at Herzog College and at the Zohar Hai beit midrash.
He edited the book ‘Rain - on fasting and rain in Tractate Ta’anit’, which was published by Siach Yitzhak. He is the editor of an anthology of Hassidic thought and stories (Bar Ilan University) as well as the ‘Atar’ journal, together with his wife, poetess Sivan Har Shefi.
Chariots of Fire (Poems, Schocken books, 2004)
The Myth of the Edomite Kings in Zoharic Literature: Creation and revelation in the Idrot texts of the Zohar (Cherub press, 2015)
To Him Who Holds The Land (Poems, ‘62 books’, 2015)
Avishar and Sivan live in Tekoa with their five children.